Essential Summer Tree Care Tips

8 May 2024
 Categories: , Blog


Summer brings a flourish of growth and vitality to your garden, yet it also demands careful attention and specific care for the trees that adorn your landscape. Ensuring your trees remain healthy throughout the hot, sometimes arduous summer months requires a blend of hydration, nutrient management, and protection strategies. 

Hydration: The Key to Vitality

Adequate watering is crucial as temperatures soar. Young trees, in particular, need a consistent supply of water to thrive. Employ a slow drip irrigation system or soaker hoses to deliver water deep into the soil, reaching the roots where it’s most needed. For mature trees, less frequent but deeper watering promotes the development of robust root systems. Remember to adjust your watering schedule based on rainfall amounts and hose restrictions in your area.

Mulching: A Protective Blanket

Mulching serves multiple purposes. It helps retain soil moisture, regulates soil temperature, and reduces weed competition. Apply a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch around the base of your trees, ensuring not to pile it against the trunk to prevent rot. This simple step can vastly improve your tree's ability to absorb water while keeping it cool during the hot summer months.

Pruning: Promote Growth and Health

Summer pruning should be undertaken cautiously. While it's a good time to remove dead or diseased limbs, heavy pruning can stress a tree during hot weather. Focus on light pruning to remove any branches that obstruct pathways or pose a risk to property during storms. Always consult a professional if unsure about which branches to prune.

Nutrient Management: Feed Carefully

Fertilization might be necessary if your soil lacks essential nutrients. However, summer might not always be the best time for this, especially if your tree is stressed from heat or drought. Conduct a soil test to determine specific nutrient needs and consult with a professional on the best fertilization schedule and products.

Tree Health Monitoring: An Ongoing Responsibility

Regularly inspect your trees for signs of stress, pest infestations, or disease. Early detection can prevent minor issues from escalating and potentially save your tree. Look out for discolored leaves, unusual leaf drops, or visible pests, and seek professional advice if you spot any troubling signs.

Hiring Tree Care Services

Hiring a professional tree care service is advisable when pruning large trees, addressing pest infestations, or applying treatments. These experts can offer a comprehensive assessment of your tree’s health, propose tailored care plans, and carry out necessary procedures safely and efficiently.